Just moved!

The blog is very quiet and while I posted a couple of article on Medium, I was behind at properly take care of the hosting behind this blog.

One bad thing of doing some internet related work everyday, you don’t feel like doing it in the evening or during the week-end. But unless you sign-up for turn-key service, and learn from it, you know you’ll have to do it.

☑ tick box checked.

Bye Gandi, hello Linode

Since I am based West Coast, keeping a machine in Paris, France was slowing me down. Gandi has a great service, super smart customer service.

Linode had some interesting locations, I picked Dallas, TX to be in the middle of North America.

They has also a great DNS management UI, less work for me.

Bottom line: you should enjoy better load times, especially from North America.

And some more recent software

Got a fresher version of Apache and PHP, jumping from PHP5 to PHP7.

I took me a few hours to make it work with PHP FPM, which allow WordPress to run auto-update, a relief.

Old browsers which didn’t support SNI are dead, no excuse to stay with not secure HTTP, so be it.

Another cool details for all of you: this blog is now fully running over HTTPS, thank you Let’s Encrypt.

Chrome team announced they will take some more aggressive presentation for Non Secure websites, it triggered the change for me, and ultimately, their strategy to make the web better worked.

Get out, enjoy the summer

For everyone else, get out, and enjoy the summer!

This sunday @ Rockaway Beach, Pacifica, CA

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