I wanted to say hi to everyone, and happy new year.
The blog has been extremely quiet for the past year and I would like to revive it by doing something slightly different. Keeping a blog flowing requires a bit of dedication and it is so much easier to post a short message on Twitter or Facebook rather than connecting in the NASA-style WordPress admin console.
Well, expect some upcoming changes, here is my list:
- English content: while French native, a lot of post will be directly posted in English since I live (and dream) in English, I think that’s easier. Feel free to comment in French, I wouldn’t mind :-)
- Content shortened: because our life nowadays don’t like long posts, I’ll do my best to make it short
- Connected: I spent a bit of time looking for some social automation, so instead of doing this manual (twice a year in the past was not a big deal), the blog will do this for me. Meet you on Digital Adventures Facebook page (and RIP wonderful RSS feed)
- Blog theme: I am looking for something super simple, and responsive. The current one was home-made, I’ll be picking something pre-made, I’m considering Blogy.
I hope to see and interact with you around here soon!